Turning sixteen for most teenagers will mean getting their driver’s license and becoming one of the many drivers on the roadway. As a parent of a teenage driver there are many concerns that will be involved in this big step and one of them will be purchasing auto insurance. Letting your teenager drive your vehicle can be frightening enough, but just imagine if you have to wonder if they have sufficient auto insurance and if you chose the right company. Basic auto insurance tips have been compiled here to help you to not only make a smart decision, but also for ways to possibly save money.
Compare Options; New Policy or Add to Your Current Policy
Decide if you should add your teen to your current auto insurance policy or open a separate one for them. There are a few things that you need to consider when you are making this decision. Begin by getting a quote from your own insurance agent to see how much of an increase that you may take on your policy by adding the teen driver. This should be the first investigation to be done to compare your options.
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