In order to register a motor vehicle and operate it legally in most states, there are specific kinds of auto insurance that are required by law. The auto insurance requirements for certain states will most always include the minimum insurance liability coverage; however, the amount of coverage will vary by each state. The laws have outlined the requirements for each individual state for the amounts of insurance coverage that will be necessary to operate a vehicle legally. However, the state insurance requirements may not be sufficient for your specific situation and it would be advantageous to obtain an adequate amount in order to protect your assets and for your future protection.
Tort or No Fault State Requirements
In some states there has been a particular model implemented that is called the no fault model that has been made to protect all parties involved. The no fault plan was designed in 1973 to provide protection to both the motor vehicle driver and insurance company. It has been adopted by many states now and is becoming more of an asset to them because everyone is covered without having to decide fault. Basically, the insurance company of each policy holder takes care of their own insured vehicle and driver.
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